
The Organon: The Highest Ideal

April 10 begins Homeopathy Awareness Week because Samuel Hahnemann’s birthday is April 10th. (In my books all of April is Homeopathy Awareness month as seen on my Instagram page). Samuel Hahnemann was born April 10, 1755. He was a physician, chemist, and linguist. He had become disillusioned by the state of the medical profession at […]

Homeopathy at home

What is Homeopathy?

Homeopathy is a system of medicine based on observations of the law of similars, “like cures like”. Simply, that which a substance can cause, it can cure. Samuel Hahnemann conducted experiments with Peruvian bark where quinine can be derived. He found that when a healthy person took daily doses of Peruvian bark, they developed symptoms […]

Homeopathy at home

Homeopathy for Seasonal Allergies (Hay Fever)

The summer I was 18 years old, working as the receptionist for a large manufacturing company, I sat at my desk with swollen red eyes and itchy throat. The clients that came in were either sympathetic or horrified at my appearance. This began my long road toward healing my Seasonal Allergies. Pathology: [Allergic rhinitis is […]