Homeopaths understand that illness and the symptoms that present themselves are the body’s way of expressing disunion and disharmony. The allopathic system recognizes the illness alone and separates it from its human host.
The human body is like a car and just like a car, the check engine light is there for a reason. The check engine light could be a sign of any number of issues. A homeopath would open the hood to determine a possible solution, going through every system to determine cause and solutions.
Homeopathy looks at the individual but uses symptoms to understand the issues as a whole and create a clear picture.
About me
Homeopathy is a system of medicine developed 200 years ago by Samuel Hahnemann that is based on the principle of “like cures like”. A Homeopath will consider every aspect of the person and their individual experience of illness, making Homeopathy a truly holistic form of medicine. Homeopathy is used worldwide for a wide range of concerns and can be a great addition to your healthy lifestyle! Call 437-388-6351 to book a FREE 10 minute phone consultation to see if Homeopathy is right for you!
Homeopathic treatment is truly holistic and gentle. “Intero” is Italian for whole and that is exactly how each person is treated. Homeopathy is an incredible modality and truly holistic.
Vanessa graduated from York University in 2014 and from CCHM in 2017. Vanessa is a registered Homeopath through the College of Homeopaths of Ontario. She completed her training in Classical Homeopathy through the Canadian College of Homeopathic Medicine where she studied with some of the best Homeopaths in the country and received mentorship through their Internship and Externship programs. Vanessa is a member of the Ontario Homeopathic Medical Association.